Understanding and Changing Settings
Most configuration in SmartRace takes place in the “Settings” area in the main menu. The settings dialog consists of several sub areas:
- Appearance – the general appearance of the app, e.g. the language of the user interface.
- Race Screen – everything involving the race screen, especially configuration of which information is displayed and how it should look.
- Driving – settings relevant for driving races and other events, e.g. when races should end.
- Fuel Simulation – set up the environment for the fuel simulation, e.g. what should happen if a car runs out of fuel.
- Sounds – configure the ambient sound as well as the voice overs (text-to-speech).
- Misc – everything else, e.g. enabling and disabling of the debug mode.
All settings should be self-explanatory or feature a short explanation text to help you understand what the setting is about. You can change as many settings as you wish and hit the green “Save” button on the bottom of the screen when you’re finished. Certain settings will require the app to reload if changed.