How much does SmartRace for Scalextric Arc cost?
SmartRace itself costs about €6.99. You can see the exact price in your currency and your country by visiting the app store. There is an additional subscription available if you want to enjoy some more advanced features. The monthly subscription is €2.99, the yearly subscription is €29.99 (which is roughly 20% less than the monthly subscription).
I have issues using the app. How can I get help?
You’ll find helpful articles, the official manual and contact data as well as a contact form in the support center.
How do I update the firmware of my track?
SmartRace doesn’t provide the possibility to update the firmware. Please use the official app from Hornby/Scalextric to update it.
Which hardware do I need?
In order to use SmartRace for Scalextric ARC, you need any track which supports ARC (App Race Control), which is either ARC One, ARC Air or ARC Pro.